Monday, December 17, 2012

Dragons Of Atlantis Weekly news 0.2: War


THERE are 4 tribes in DoA. There are the Primus, the Amazons, the Zolmec and the Solerian. You will choose your tribe at the start of your game and can only be in another tribe with a Tribal Rebirth. See  Races in DoA wiki. The type of your tribe will change the type of the buildings and Dragon Eggs.

                                           DRAGONS OF ATLANTIS HISTORY:700,000 YRS AGO

SEVEN thousand years ago, the Ancient Ones, the first ones of the tribes, has turned the tribes into war. War has raged on, even now. But in time, the tribes has tamed dragons and bred them. Prophecy said once, one tribe will destroy the others and roam all of Atlantis, though that hadn't happened yet...

                                                    TYPES OF WAR: CIVIL, ALLIANCE, MAIN.

MOST wars in DoA are split into 3 types: Civil wars, Alliance wars and Main wars. Civil wars are when alliance members disagree and the alliance splits apart, destroying each other. These wars only last for a week or two. Alliance wars are when two alliances attack each-other. These wars only last for a few months, so they are longer than Civil wars. Main wars are big wars for the whole realm, when each alliance must join a team and fight. These could last years and years.

                                                     SEE MORE NEWS NEXT WEEK!

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